südtirolerisch – the south tyrol dialect cont.
south tirol counts more than 40 dialects, all belonging to southern bavarian idioms.
these dialects may strongly vary from a valley or a mountainside to another one, and in the course of the 20th century italian expressions have crept progressively into the vocabulary, making of south tyrolean a multicoloured togetherness and coexistence of austro-german and italian culture.
a pleasure – and a challenge – linguistically as well as culturally. here another picking of words.
- augngleser = brille (glasses)
- beck = bäcker (baker)
- bloam = blume (flower)
- casino = durcheinander, zirkus (mess)
- dai = los!, weiter!, erzähl mir nichts (go!, come on)
- fertig (die sind fertig) = alle, ausverkauft (over, sold-out)
- guat = gut (good) (hoi, ins geats guat!)
- kassa = bank, kasse (bank, checkout)
- keschtn = kastanien (chestnut)
- ma dai = echt, wirklich? (really?)
- marillen = aprikose (apricot)
- paktl = geschenkpaket (gift-wrapping)
- patent = führerschein (driving licence)
- radel = fahrrad (bike)
- roafen = reifen (wheel)
- säckele, täschele = plastik-, papier-tragetasche (paper/plastic bag)
- schlutzer = schlutzkrapfen, maultaschen (ravioli tirolesi, mezzelune)
- stiege = treppe (stairs)
- stitze = beine (leg)
- zusperren = ein geschäft, einen (kino-, konzert-)saal schließen (to close)
folks cultivate their sense of belonging not only by speaking but also by writing sms in dialect – cryptic messages in the eyes of those-like-me who don't master this art!
early winter cold this year. brr. freezing.
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